Monday, September 2, 2024

What We learn about Flying Kite..

I remember when I'm in collage is about 7 years ago, my lecture ever give a question, the question is.. "What you learn about flying a kite ?", and this question change my life..

For this question, everyone have so many different answer, including myself. So I will not judge what you guys opinions. So you are free to make your own answers. I just want to tell that when I heard this question, one thing come to my mind.., and I just want to share for anyone about my answer..

Before I explain.., this is the first thing I will tell..
Wind is our problems..,
Kite is our dreams..,
Rope is our mind..,
and who flying a kite is the controlling, which is ourselves :)

Many people maybe don't know the mind can control and can make what we are.., Why I can said like this cause if your mind don't think you want to fly a kite, you will not fly a kite right ?, So, back to laptop..

"What We Learn about Flying Kite ?". Every time you want to chasing your dream you will be faced with many problem, because a kite can't fly without wind.., don't afraid with the problems, but afraid with our mind, if your mind give up easily, become emotional and broken, your dream will be hard to reach, with the weak rope the kite no longer to fly, remember that with the wind our kite will fly no matter how high we will never know, with the problems we can grow more than you know. What you must do is strong yourself, if you have strong faith form yourself you will make a strong mind, control your mind to face it, to not give up easily, when a big wind comes, loosen the rope, when a small wind comes, tighten the rope. When the big problem comes, don't let your mind be easily influenced, when the problem becomes small, strengthen your mind, that you can pursue your dreams.

Remember ourselves is the main character, if we can be patient when we can control our mind, anything you can face it. Don't make a problem into something that scares you. But scare for yourself not controlling your mind to not give up easily even though faced with complicated problems.

Form this question, I learn something that I never ever think before.., I become more better how to deal with problems.

NB : My english is not good, but I learn to write in english to improve and wish anyone can read it.

Thankyou for reading.. ^^

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